My Whole Heart - Second Chamber
This is the cover for the second of four "Chambers" of my new collection of music entitled: My Whole Heart (or בכל לבי in Hebrew)! The incredible artwork you're seeing here was created by the amazing, inimitable Joanne Fink. I am immeasurably grateful to her for this beautiful work, which is just the second quarter of a larger whole that you'll begin to see take shape as more sections are released!
The second section's theme is: TIKVAH: Hope. It is a collection about looking for truth, love and beauty in a harsh world, and remembering that it's always darkest before the dawn.
1. Lulei - co-written by Jacob Spike Kraus and me
2. Sun Will Rise Again - co-written by Eric Hunker and me
3. Yotzer Or - featuring Coleen Dieker's string arrangements
4. Ahavah Rabbah
Noah Diamondstein
Noah Diamondstein
Noah Diamondstein
Noah Diamondstein